Dissecting a Command

I know it has been an EXTREMELY long time since I last posted, but I just didn’t have good inspiration. And now, it has come to me. Let’s get to it.

There are three parts of a command:

This is the example command we will be understanding today:

/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1}

This command spawns a skeletal horse. (For those who just had their minds blown, in the self-awareness that they are oblivious to the outside world, here is some info on the skeletal horse: http://goo.gl/nlYkTx)

The BASE of this command is the command itself. In this case, that is the “/summon” part of the command. This is the basic structure that tells the user or the command block what command to execute. Most bases are pretty straightforward, and you can tell what they do from their name. For example, the “/summon” command summons a mob or block to a set of coordinates. Another example is the “/spawn” command; it teleports you to the specificed spawn area. Let’s move on.

The OBJECT of this command is the “EntityHorse” part of it. It refers to the thing or OBJECT upon which the command is being executed. In this case, the “/summon” command is being executed on the “EntityHorse”, or the object. Again, it’s pretty easy to tell what the object in a command is. For example, an “EntityHorse” can only refer to one thing: a horse!

The MODIFIERS of this command are the “~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1}”. Unlike the base and object, these are most likely NOT straightforward, confusing, and frustrating to understand, unless you have good prior knowledge with what you’re dealing with. In the “/summon” command, the “~~~” means that the mob or block being spawned into the game is spawned at the location of the command block that executed the command. The “{Type:4,Tame:1}” requires some knowledge about the 5 kinds of horses: horses, donkeys, mules, undead horses, and skeletal horses. Each of these horses has a type #, and the skeletal horse’s type #, is 4. That explains the “Type:4”. (Note the lack of spaces.) “Tame:1” means that the skeletal horse spawned will be tamed. If it had said, “Tame:0” means the spawned horse won’t be tamed. Normally, modifiers are put in brackets {}, and seperated by commas (,).

That’s basically all there is to know! Have fun!


Oh yeah, and see if you can dissect this command: /tp @p 0 0 0 

Tell me the base, the object, and the modifiers in the comment section!